What's up funkers

Welcome to my little cozy corner of the internet. Enjoy your stay, it's pretty quiet here. <3


The name's Minus, your everyday Friday Night Funkin' nerd who is trying not to seem cringe. I go by a bunch of different names, depending on what site I am on or who you are. I am genderfluid, so my pronouns and name preference do change at a fast pace (not like, in a matter of seconds though), so be on the lookout for that. However, if you don't feel like asking for my pronouns, they/them is always okay.Personality wise, I'm definitely not a talker. I try my best to be patient with everyone but I do have a limit, but I will just disappear to cool down. I type in all caps more often than not, either to express excitement or anger, so be cautious around me if that makes you uncomfortable. I enjoy rambling about my interests and the things I come up with and I could possibly spam the feed doing this. If I ever sound passive-aggressive I don't mean to! It is just how I talk/type. I promise, I care about you.


I don't really use other social medias since I have life and anxiety, so none of these are really active. Discord link doesn't work.


What are your interests?:
I've got way too many to list, but I am mainly into Friday Night Funkin', Dragon Quest, Sky: Children of the Light, and Town of Salem 2 (refer me as a friend! My username is D1mM1nS1n). I am also really into rhythm games and horror! Fair warning: I do get defensive of my interests in some cases.
Why didn't you reply to me?:
As said in the about section, I am not a talker. It could be because I have no idea how to reply or it completely slipped my mind. If you need me that badly, try and poke me, but be patient with me. I do have a life and can't always be online.
Flight Rising Specific
Can I friend you?
Yes! I accept all friend requests.
Can I buy a dragon from you?
Any of the dragons that are not in my sales tab or projects tab will not be for sale. You have better luck asking for a G1 dragon that is not gened or does not have a scry!
Can I message you?
Go right ahead! I enjoy getting messages and pings often. Even if you just want to chat go ahead! However, I will (as stated before) not reply due to not knowing what to say or forgetting, so poke me if I forget!